Tuesday, November 20, 2007

1st OB visit for Baby #2

So, we had our first visit to get a sneak peak of Baby #2. Brian has had to be out of town a lot lately. His business picks up towards the end of the year. He's been working his butt off, but it is great for his company! He was very disappointed not to be able to make it, but he rarely missed an appt. with Savannah. I am estimated to be 5 weeks and 5 days along, so the ultrasound only shows the gestational sac and the little white circle in the middle is called the yolk sac. I just learned this today, but this is where the tiny embryo gets all the nutrition in the very early days. The baby was TOO small to show up this time, so I get another ultrasound next Wednesday. She guessed that my due date would be between July 17 and 20. How exciting! I'm not really feeling pregnant except for a little nausea and a little tiredness. I'm not expecting any big symptoms, if any, until the end of the week. Hopefully this continues, I'd be very happy. Well, I'll post more soon!

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